IPCRN Local Tools:
Please note that these tools are run locally in your practice and absolutely none of the data generated by these tools leaves your practice. IPCRN receives no data from these tools.
COPD Finder:
Lists all patients in your practice who may have COPD.
COPD Register
Lists all patients in your practice who are coded as having COPD.
Mental Health
Lists utilization of mental health services.
Asthma Finder
Lists all patients in your practice who may have Asthma.
Asthma Register
Lists all patients in your practice who are coded as having Asthma.
Cardiovascular Risk Finder
Lists all patients in your practice who may be at risk of CVD.
Cardiovascular Risk Register
Lists all patients in your practice who are coded as having CVD.
Diabetes Register:
Lists all patients in your practice who are currently coded as having Type 1, Type 2 or Gestational Diabetes.
Disease Register:
Lists all patients currently coded with Heart Failure, Afib, Epilepsy, Asthma or COPD.
Coding Stats:
Lists all consultations within a period of time and reports on the number of consultations coded by each member of staff.
Type I Diabetes Finder:
Finds Type I diabetic patients based on medications prescribed. For example a patient may be suggested as a possible Type I diabetic if previously prescribed any form of Insulin. Once found, you can review each patient file and then code as Diabetic if appropriate. Once coded these patients will automatically be added to the diabetic register.
Type II Diabetes Finder
As with the Type I finder this tool will suggest a patient may have Type II diabetes based on prescribed medication e.g. Metformin. Additionally it may also suggest a patient may be diabetic based on previous HBA1c Levels.
Pre-Diabetes Finder
Finds patients who may be 'Pre- Diabetic'.
Atrial Fibrillation Finder
Finds patients who may have atrial fibrillation.
Heart Failure Finder
Finds patients who may have Heart Failure.
CKD Finder
Finds patients who may have Chronic Kidney Disease.
Flu Finder/Search Tool:
This search tool uses an algorithm based on the HSE immunisation guidelines to find eligible patients who may be due a flu vaccination. View More.
Heart Failure Prescribing Tool:
Checks if any patient coded as having heart failure may be currently taking a medication which may be potentially harmful.
Maternity Safe Prescribing Tool:
This tool checks if any potentially harmful medication is prescribed for patients who are attending for antenatal care.
Paediatric Prescribing Tool:
Lists all patients under 16 who have attended the surgery and been prescribed an antibiotic in the previous 12 months.
Benzodiazepine Prescribing Tool:
Lists all patients who have been prescribed a benzodiazepine type medication in the previous 12 months - it also includes the number of times prescribed.
Dementia Register:
This tool lists all the patients who have an ACTIVE code of Dementia.
Dementia Finder
Lists all patients in your practice who may have Dementia.
PHEMI Register:
This tool lists all the patients who have an ACTIVE code of an enduring mental illness.
PHEMI Finder
Lists all patients in your practice who may have enduring mental illness.